Open League



Each month we host a tournament for middle and high schools registered in our Open League, which includes 3-4 rounds of debate for each student. A guest speaker and award ceremony concludes the day where top debate teams, speakers, and schools are recognized. Each student receives ballots and feedback from their rounds.

Public Forum Debate Division

Public Forum Debate is one of our newest debate formats and now one of our largest debate formats in the NYCUDL.  Topics are designed by our staff with specifically our debaters in mind. Students devote a month to study, research and write on that topic using our NYCUDL curriculum. The focus is more on persuading your audience – rather than the heavy evidence focus of policy debate.  Public Forum Debate is also unique in that it was founded to be easily accessible for the “public” so that any one can serve as a “citizen judge” and any student can be a debater.

Parliamentary Debate

Parliamentary Debate is the largest and most popular debate format in the world as well as at the American collegiate level. Students learn more debate topics than any other debate format and unlike other debate formats – topics are determined by teachers and students.  Parliamentary emphasizes extemporaneous and impromptu debate skills with limited preparation times and having to “think on your feet.” Because of this, each Open League tournament also includes and extemporaneous topic announced the day of the tournament that students must prepare for with limited prep time.


2024-2025 Open League Season

10/19/2024 Falling for Debate Workshop WHEELS
11/16/2024 Tournament #1 Midwood High School
12/7/2024 Tournament #2 (MS) Corona Arts & Sciences Academy
12/14/2024 Tournament #2 (HS) University Heights High School
1/11/2025 Tournament #3 Online
2/8/2025 Tournament #4 Online
3/1/2025 Tournament #5 In-Tech Academy
4/5/2025 MS Championships

HS Championships

Lab Middle School

School of the Future


Month/Division Topic
Oct/Nov: League PF Resolved: The United States should abolish cash bail.
Nov: National PF Resolved: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.
Nov: Parli This House would abolish cash bail in the United States.
Dec/Jan: League PF Resolved: Civil disobedience should be the primary method to advocate for social change.
Dec: National PF Resolved: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.
Dec: Parli This House believes civil disobedience should be the primary method to advocate for social change.
Jan: National PF TBA
Jan: National Parli TBA