New York City Urban Debate League

Policy Workshop Gives Debaters Detailed Look Into Education Policy

<p>On Sunday, October 1, debaters from across the city attended the NYCUDL’s first Policy Debate Workshop of the 2017-2018 debate season. With help from Jonathan McIntosh,&nbsp;<span>Director of Academics (K-12) at Brooklyn Prospect&nbsp;</span>and former Ambassador Fellow for the US Department of Education under Secretary Arnie Duncan, as well as help from a committed group of Brooklyn Tech summer interns, students were given a thorough introduction to education policy in the US.&nbsp;</p><!–more–><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This topic and knowledge will serve students far beyond this upcoming year of policy debate – this year’s policy resolution is The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and/or regulation of elementary and/or secondary education in the United States.” Additionally