Our City’s Top Speakers!!!! Middle School City Championships Top Speaker Awards!
<p> </p><!–more–><p>This weekend we hosted the Middle School City Championships! This Tournament is open to ALL middle schools in the city to send their top 2 teams in each debate event and each division! This is Blog one of several blog posts about the largest middle school city championships yet! Specifically, we write today to celebrate the Top Speaker Awards of the Middle School City Championships!!</p><p> </p><p><span style=background-color: transparent;”>”Speaker Awards” are awarded based on “Speaker Points” which are scored each debate round. Whether a team wins or loses the round – each individual speaker is ranked in terms of speaker points. Speaker Points range from 0-30. The average is 25 points – 29 points. 30 points is very rare and is a flawless and perfect speech you might see 1-2 times a year. A team could lose the debate round but one of the debaters could still have the higher ranked speaker points. In other words