Middle School and Elementary School End of Year Pot Luck Celebration!
<p>Hunters Point Community Middle School, Saturday, June 9th<br> Middle School End of Year Awards Ceremony</p> <!–more–><p>Save the date! On June 9th we celebrate Middle School Debate at Hunters Point Community Middle School with a Pot Luck, BBQ, Ice Cream and more! Than you to Hunters Point Community Middle School for hosting! Thank you to all our middle school teachers, coaches, parents, students, and everyone for making this our largest and most successful middle school debate season yet! And please make sure you bring a dish for our delicious Pot Luck and BBQ!</p> <p>Schedule<br> 12pm – Opening Presentation and Awards<br> 1pm – 3pm – Pot Luck, Barbecue, and Ice Cream Social</p> <p><a href=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/middle-school-end-of-of-the-year-debate-celebration-registration-24704736532″ target=”_blank”>Please RSVP by clicking here!</a></p> <p><img class=”alignundefined” title=”Copy of The (1)” src=”https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/3457829/Imported_Blog_Media/Copy-of-The-1.png” alt=””></p>”