Good Luck to NYCUDL teams at the National Association of Urban Debate Leagues National Championships!
<p>Good luck to ACORN High School and Brooklyn Tech High School for representing NYC at the National Championships of the National Association of Urban Debate Leagues. Both schools were the top ranked teams at the NYC City Championships Tournament. Both teams and teachers receive full scholarships to attend the National Tournament in California! Thank you to the National Association of Urban Debate Leagues and thank you to Board Chair David Budinger for sponsoring our teams in California! The Tournament will take place this Thursday, April 14-17, 2016 at San Francisco State University in California. Click here to learn more! http://urbandebate…; <!–more–><p><img class=aligncenter” title=”naudlchampslogo.jpeg” src=”https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/3457829/Imported_Blog_Media/naudlchampslogo.jpeg” alt=””></p>”