Democratic Presidential Debate in Brooklyn on Tuesday!
<p>Don’t miss the debate between Democratic Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders this Tuesday in Brooklyn! Both were debaters in High School! Hillary Clinton was an award winning debater on her high school’s debate team. Bernie Sanders participated in numerous speeches and debates in student government at his high school in Brooklyn! Click here for the New York Times article about Hillary Clinton’s experience on her high school’s debate team! Don’t miss the debate! Tuesday, April 12th, 9pm-11pm, NY1 & CNN!</p> <!–more–><p></p> <div class=caption”> <img title=”10CLINTONweb-articleLarge.jpg” src=”https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/3457829/Imported_Blog_Media/10CLINTONweb-articleLarge-4.jpg” alt=””>Hillary Rodham