HS Senior Darlyn Liriano Accepted to Yale University and Princeton University!
<p>Congratulations to High School Senior Darlyn who helps run our Tabroom nearly every Saturday at tournaments. And we guess she’s busy the rest of the week because she was just accepted to Yale University and Princeton University! She also has spare time to coach at Middle School PS/MS 15 in the Bronx which is one of the top middle school debate teams in the league! Congrats Darlyn! And congrats to her sister, Sorangel Liriano – our other Tabroom Director who is a Freshman at Columbia University on a full scholarship! Sorangel was an award winning debater at the Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice and currently serves as our Tabroom Director as an alumni! <img class=alignnone” title=”12923166_10205534099221068_5390782361223388541_n-1.jpg” src=”https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/3457829/Imported_Blog_Media/12923166_10205534099221068_5390782361223388541_n-1-1.jpg” alt=””></p>”