New York City Urban Debate League

Program Director, Aubrey Semple on Television Again! 

<div></div> <p>When Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump decided to skip this weekend’s Republican Presidential Debate, there was immediate debate on the merits of his decision. Program Director, Aubrey Semple, was interviewed on the rationale behind Trump’s decision. <a href=” target=”_blank” shape=”rect”>Click here for the interview and the full article!</a>&nbsp; Or see below for the article! Shout outs to Aubrey!</p> <!–more–><p>&nbsp;</p> <h1 class=”entry-title”>‘It’s not the New York way’: City residents react to Donald Trump’s boycott of FOX News GOP&nbsp;debate</h1> <p>http://pix11…; <div class=”entry-meta clearfix”> <span class=”posted-time”>POSTED 8:13 PM