New York City Urban Debate League

Girls Summer Debate Institute Tournament Results (BALI/NYCUDL)

<p>&nbsp;</p><!–more–><p><span>Huge shout outs to the Bella Abzug Leadership Institute (BALI). We partner every summer and school year to provide free debate education and leadership opportunities for young women in middle school, high school and college. The past two weeks we had an incredible cohort of young women training in debate and leadership. Shout out to all participants and shout outs to BALI for making the camp possible! &nbsp;</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span>This summer’s debate tournament and topic featured education reform. Debaters devoted the weeks to the study of education problem and preparing public policy solutions. The end of the debate and leadership institute featured at two round public forum debate tournament where students debated both perspectives of the topic.&nbsp;</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span>Complete results listed below:</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong><span style=color: #3574e3;”><a href=”;result_id=43571″ target=”_blank” style=”color: #3574e3;”>Click here for Complete Team Award Results</a></span></strong></p><p><a href=”;result_id=43571″ target=”_blank”>&nbsp;</a></p><p><strong><span style=”color: #3574e3;”><a href=”;result_id=43572″ target=”_blank” style=”color: #3574e3;”>Click here for Comple Speaker Award Results</a></span></strong></p>”